
In Matthew chapter 7, Jesus explains that in eternity, there will be many people who stand before Him and call Him, “Lord.” But He will tell them plainly, “I never knew you. Depart from me . . .”

Nothing is more important during our time on the earth than to be sure that we know Jesus Christ personally. Awakening: Coming Out of Cold, Dead Religion and into a Relationship with the Living God is the story of Steve Russell, a third-generation preacher’s kid. Steve grew up going to church every Sunday. He prayed the sinner’s prayer. He was even baptized!

But in his 40s, something truly amazing happened. He began to experience the Living God. Through those experiences, Steve’s eyes were opened. He came to realize that he had never truly known Jesus—all he had ever known was religion.

Jesus invited Steve into a personal relationship, and Steve said yes. From the moment Steve made this decision, he began to live out one supernatural experience after another after another—all handiwork of the Living God! In Awakening, you’ll read about Steve’s near-death experience, his angelic visitation, miraculous healings, many supernatural answers to prayer, and all the other ways God begins to show up in a person’s life once they come into a personal relationship with Jesus.

If you have been in church your whole life, but have never personally experienced a miracle, there’s a chance you need an awakening. If you’ve never seen the supernatural power of God manifest in your daily life, maybe it’s time to consider that an active, personal relationship with Jesus might be what’s missing—and it’s freely available to you right now!