Company Law in India

Corporate law in India is no less complex than any other country governed by Anglo Saxon laws. Parliament of India has enacted a new law called Companies Act, 2013 which has consolidated many previous laws into one code. It also recognizes many institutions which were in existence but were not recognized by previous law of 1956.
This opuscule of Company Law in India though aimed at students and practitioners starting their career, would be equally helpful for a quick reference to relevant provision or procedure.
A complete index right in the beginning can be used to access to relevant chapters and the topics dealt therein. The chapters have been created with the view of enhancing knowledge rather than merely passing law exams, as most of existing books aim at.
This eBook edition has been deliberately kept concise by covering all important topics in detail and other topics briefly.
This is the first part of the hopefully two books series. Please download a sample or use preview to read the preface titled "Why buy this book?" in the beginning.
This part contains chapters from History of Company Law, its evolution, registration, management, issue of securities etc.
The second part of the book under way and shall be launched next year.