Cur Deus Homo
註釋This historic book may have numerous typos and missing text. Purchasers can usually download a free scanned copy of the original book (without typos) from the publisher. Not indexed. Not illustrated. 1865 edition. Excerpt: ... injuries, or insults, or pains, or death, if they had not Been Him experience all these Himself? CHAPTER XII. THAT ALTHOUGH HE BE A PARTAKER OF OUR INFIRMITIES, YET HE IS NOT MISERABLE. Boso. All these things clearly shew that He must be mortal, and a partaker of our infirmities. But all these are our miseries, --surely, therefore, He will be miserable. Anselm. By no means: for as a convenience which one has against one's will does not form a necessary part of one's happiness, so it is not misery knowingly, and uncompelled by any necessity, to take upon one some inconvenience of one's free will. Boso. Granted. CHAPTER XIII. THAT, TOGETHER WITH OUR OTHER INFIRMITIES, HE MAT NOT HAVE OUR IGNORANCE. Boso. But in the likeness which He ought to have with men, tell me whether He is to have ignorance also, as He has our other infirmities? Anselm. Why do you doubt of God's knowing all things? Boso. Because, though He is to be immortal from His divine, yet He is to be mortal from His human nature. Now, why may He not be like them--a man really ignorant, as He is to be really mortal? Anselm. That taking of the manhood into unity of Person with the Godhead will only be wisely done by the supreme Wisdom. And so He will not take into the manhood what is in no way useful, but very prejudicial to the work which the same Manhood is to do. For ignorance would be useful to Him in nothing, but prejudicial in many things; for how is He to do so many and so great things as He has to do, without the greatest wisdom? or how are men to believe Him if they know He did not understand what He said? Even if they did not know, of what use would that ignorance be to Him? Again, if nothing is loved except what is known, as there is to be nothing of good which He does..