In graancirkelkringen
een etnologisch onderzoek naar verhalen uit de grenswetenschap
出版Amsterdam University Press, 2006
註釋In this fascinating book Meder explains how stories can grow into irrefutable exempla of truth. Gradually, they can become the building blocks of a belief system, and determine people's conduct and worldview. All the elementary questions are dealt with from different perspectives: who makes the crop circles? What do the farmers think of them? How are the crop circles made and to what purpose? What positions do journalists take? Are there any messages to be found in crop circles, and if so, how can they be decoded? What kind of research do the cereologists perform in the field? If people believe in supernatural or extraterrestrial interference, what else do they believe in? Why do the croppies and cereologists think they are right, and what arguments do sceptics have to think them wrong?
The author draws comparisons between the phenomenon in Britain and the Netherlands. The book also contains a brief survey into the acclaimed ancient history of crop circles. Although it is not the objective of the book to determine the absolute truth about crop circles, in the end the readers will be provided with all the pros and cons in the debate to make up their own mind.