Extended Schools and Children's Centres

Featuring helpful checklists, models of good practice, templates and photocopiable resources that can be used in development work, this highly practical book will be an invaluable resource for anyone involved with implementing Every Child Matters in extended schools and children’s centres.

As well as setting out roles and expectations, this unique book clearly and thoroughly explains how to:

  • implement and meet the five ECM outcomes for well-being
  • provide extended services and wraparound care
  • work in partnership with agencies and private, voluntary and community sector providers
  • quality-assure and evaluate the impact of provision and care
  • self-review, monitor and evaluate the ECM outcomes in line with national standards and OFSTED.

From leaders and managers, to front-line staff and volunteers, everyone will find this step-by-step handbook packed with useful advice and suggestions for further reading, websites and resources.