The Raven and the Boulders
註釋A mischievous raven finds out the hard way what can happen when you mock the forces of nature. In this book, the story of the raven and the boulders is told twice: once as Elder and master storyteller Annie Blue traditionally told it and again as an illustrated ?storyknife? version. Storyknifing is a literary form that combines an oral presentation with quickly drawn illustrations that represent a particular scene.' As soon as a scene has been completed and told, the teller will erase the illustrations and start over with new drawings for the next scene. In this book, the storyknifing illustrations are presented in their final form for each scene. Like other Yup'ik stories in the Math in a Cultural Context series, "Akagyugnarli: The Raven Story and the Boulders" subtly teaches embedded Yup'ik values about how to live.