Anxiety Attack

Psychotherapist Kate Huntington and her P.I. husband end up at odds over a case when Skip’s undercover operative is shot and the alleged shooter is one of Kate’s clients, a man suffering from severe social anxiety.

Skip Canfield had doubts from the beginning about this case, a complicated one of top secret projects and industrial espionage. Now one of his best men, and a friend, is in the hospital fighting for his life. Tensions mount when Skip learns that Kate—who’s convinced her client is innocent and too emotionally fragile to survive in prison—has been checking out leads on her own.

Then a suspicious suicide brings the case to a head. Is the shooter tying up loose ends? Almost too late, Skip realizes he may be one of those loose ends, and someone seems to have no qualms about destroying his agency or getting to him through his family.

psychological suspense,  women sleuths, private investigator, detective, mystery, mystery series, military contractors, industrial spying, social anxiety, private detective, female sleuth, addiction, Kate Huntington