Canadian Beaufort Sea 1984 Repetitive Mapping of Ice Scour
Jim Shearer
Guy Fortin
B. Laroche
Environmental Studies Revolving Funds (Canada)
A. Stirbys
Environmental Studies Revolving Funds
, 1986
During the summer of 1984, an extensive survey of ice scour was carried out over much of the Canadian Beaufort continental shelf. The survey used side-scan sonar and precision echo-sounding equipment to establish a base-line network that would serve as the basis for future repetitive mapping studies of ice scour. Accurate re-surveying of any portion of the network could then be used to establish the frequency of new scouring events. Much of the 1984 network covered corridors and control areas that had already been surveyed. Where overlap occurred, data on impact rate were calculated. In the western Beaufort Sea, near the southern end of the Tarsiut-Nektoralik corridor, re-scouring rates as high as 4 impacts/km/yr have been observed in water depths of 20-25 m. The impact rates decrease towards the East Mackenzie corridor, which is located in shallower water in Mackenzie Bay. In this area, the impact rate is about 1 impact/km/yr in water depths of 20-25 m. In the eastern Beaufort Sea, the impact rates are even lower in the Tingmiark-Nerlerk and Kaglulik corridors, where rates in the order of 0.2-0.4 impact/km/yr have been observed in water depths of 20-30 m.