What does a Side Chick Offer That the Main Girl Can’t? Main Girl Take Notes

A lot of women get mad when they find out that their spouse or

significant other has had a woman on the side for years. But my

question is do they bear any responsibility for the actions that led

to their man seeking the affections of a mistress or lover? Most

will disagree with this notion but they may have  played a part in

his indiscretions.  Let me explain it in a way that might make

better sense to you. When a man and a woman get together in

the beginning everything is magical and exciting. Over time

women get comfortable and set in their ways. Men can also be

guilty of the same thing. Now that magical feeling is starting to

lose its effect. They slowly start growing apart but they still love

each other. Then another woman comes along and notices how

good of individual your man is. They desire the treatment that he

is giving you and then they decide to get his attention. So now the

chase is on. She does everything in her power to win him over and

make him her man. The fact that he already has a wife or

girlfriend only fuels her desire to obtain his attention and

affections. He is the prize and she will do almost anything to claim

the object of her burning desires. She will give her body to him in

any way that he requests. Now you may ask what does that have

to do with his wife or girlfriend? Along the way the passion in

their relationship isn’t what it once was. Now another woman is

stepping in and giving him the attention and sexual satisfaction

that he use to share with his wife or lover. Relationships need to

be nurtured and maintained. And when they are not outside

interference may come in wreak havoc. This is exactly how affairs

get started. Once that flame is out a new spark can ignite flames

of passion and intimacy. A man starving for attention is an easy

target for a friendly female seeking his undivided attention.

This friendly female is now making herself available to your man

and catering to his every want, need, and craving with detailed

execution. You may not want to hear this if you are his wife or

girlfriend but you might learn a thing or 2 from his side woman so

pull up a chair and start taking notes. This advice might just save

your relationship and give you a better idea how to treat your

man. Many females consider this topic to be very respectful but if

you are open to receiving information then it can give you a

better understanding on where your current relationship can use

some improving. Information is power. Push your ego to the side

because you are going to learn something today. You are going to

learn what his side chick has to offer him that you are not

providing him at home.