Mind Body Spirit
註釋Redesigning Your Life through Mind-Body-Spirit BalanceIf you think a well-toned, properly fueled body is the key to wellness, you're right. Well, to be more exact, you're only a third right-because optimum wellness involves not just your body, but a solid balance between your mind, your body, and your spirit.It all boils down to psycho-neuro-endocrine-immunology. That's quite a mouthful-and chances are good that you've never tried to wrap your tongue around it before right now. Let's make it simple: it's a science that shows how your mind, body, and spirit are all linked together and how they help you resist disease and infection. And it might sound like a bunch of hocus-pocus, but some of the nation's leading researchers and medical experts have put their enthusiastic stamp of approval on it.