Setting Up and Troubleshooting Windows PCs
註釋Setting Up and Troubleshooting Windows PCs will make your life as a Windows user easier and more productive, whether you are using Windows 95 or Windows3.1. It contains the information you need on Windows applications, multimedia cards, and configuration files handy so you can detect and fix PC problems fast. It is also a source of useful mailing addresses, phone numbers, BBSs, and CompuServe Forum locations for Microsoft sources where you can obtain additional information.
This book teaches you to:
* clear up General Protection Faults
* check and reset internal parameters
* troubleshoot network setups and configurations
* optimize your settings to boost PC performance
* safeguard your system from security breaches and viruses.
A practical guide for all Windows users.
Vital information for support staff and systems managers.
A concise, quick-access resource for busy people.