Quantum Many-Body Systems in 1D
註釋The ground-state properties of one-dimensional spin polarized hydrogen, deuterium and tritium at zero temperature are obtained by means of Diffusion Monte Carlo calculations (DMC). The equations of state of the three isotopes are found and compared in a wide range of densities, understanding its limits at low and high densities. The pair correlation function and the static structure factor are computed and also interpreted within the frame work of Luttinger liquid theory. The Luttinger parameter is explicitly found, from which we can identify different physical regimes, among which are: 'Fermi gas', 'Bose-gas', 'super-Tonks-Girardeau' and 'quasi-crystal' regime. The role of the mass in the system behaviour is found to be a non-straightforward one, finding remarkable differences between tritium and the other two isotopes at low densities.