Policies of Electronic Commerce: Challenges and Development

E-Commerce or Electronics Commerce is a philosophy of current business, which addresses the prerequisites of business organizations. It can be comprehensively characterized as the way toward buying or selling of goods or services utilizing an electronic medium, for example, the Internet.

In this edition of Electronic Commerce, gives finish scope of the key business what’s more, technology components of electronic commerce. The book does not expect that readers have any past electronic commerce learning or experience. Subsequent to looking for a textbook that offered adjusted scope of both the business and technology components of electronic commerce, I reasoned that no such book existed.

Electronic Commerce: First Edition introduces readers to both the theory and practical with regards to directing business over the Internet and World Wide Web. The most unmistakable change in this edition is the extended utilization of color in the design of the book. The publisher and I trust that this makes the representations in the book more helpful and the sky is the limit from there intriguing. This edition incorporates the standard updates to keep the substance current with the quickly happening changes in electronic commerce.