Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 3
註釋Jesus Becoming Jesus, Volume 3 follows upon the previous two volumes of this series entitled Jesus Becoming Jesus. Volume 1 was a theological interpretation of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, and volume 2 was a theological interpretation of the Prologue and Book of Signs of John’s Gospel (chapters 1-12). Unlike many conventional biblical commentaries, Weinandy concentrates on the theological content contained within John’s Gospel. This is accomplished through a close reading of John’s Gospel, theologically interpreting each chapter of the Gospel sequentially. In so doing he also takes into account the Johannine corpus as a whole. He also relates John’s Gospel to relevant material found within the Synoptic Gospels, the Pauline Corpus and other New Testament writings. In this present volume, Weinandy’s original theological interpretation focuses first on the Evangelist’s narrative of the Last Supper, which includes Jesus’ washing of his disciples’ feet, followed upon his lengthy farewell address and his ensuing High Priestly Prayer (chapter 13-17). Although Jesus speaks of his leaving his disciples, yet their hearts should not be troubled, for he is going to prepare a place for them in his Father’s house, and he will also send them another Counselor, the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not only convict the world sin, but he will also empower the disciples to profess their faith in Jesus as the Father’s Son, even in the midst of persecution. All that Jesus tells his disciple in his final discourse, he then prays that his Father will accomplish through his forthcoming death and resurrection – above all that his disciples will share in the same oneness of love that he and his Father possess. Weinandy masterfully treats John’s Passion and Resurrection Narratives. He not only theologically interprets the uniqueness of the Evangelist’s narratives, but also how his narratives insect with the Synoptic accounts. Moreover, Weinandy’s theological reading of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection weaves together John’s soteriology, ecclesiology, and sacramentality – all of which are founded upon the Incarnation, that Jesus is the Father’s Spirit-filled incarnate Son. As the title suggests, Jesus, being named Jesus, in his death and resurrection, definitively enacts his name and so becoming who he is – YHWH-Saves.