
Forty evidenced-based strategies for integrating literacy instruction into the content areas

Providing unique content on assessment, differentiated instruction, technology, and reflective practice, Developing Content Area Literacy is designed to help busy middle school and secondary teachers meet the challenge of addressing the literacy learning needs of all students. Each of the 40 evidence-based strategies is organized around 8 essential areas of literacy instruction: academic vocabulary, reading fluency, narrative text, informational text, media and digital literacies, informational writing, critical thinking, and independent learning.

Key Features

  • Specific approaches to differentiating instruction for striving or struggling readers and writers as well as English language learners are included.[b1]
  • Easy-to-follow, step-by-step procedures for each strategy are organized around “before,” “during,” and “after” reading and writing instruction.
  • New and innovative ways to implement technology in the classroom are included along with coverage of media and digital literacies.