Leading Through Triple Bottom Line Sustainability
Five Companies Show Public Libraries the Way
出版Simmons University, 2016
註釋In this two-part study, the investigator introduced the practice of triple bottom line (TBL) sustainability to public library leaders and practitioners. The study investigated the early roots of TBL sustainability and its evolution. In phase-one of the study, the investigator interviewed sustainability practitioners to identify TBL sustainability best practices at five U.S. based corporations listed in Fortune magazine s | World |s Most Admired Companies 2015 . The investigator also analyzed the UN-supported Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) reports of the five participating companies to identify any additional TBL sustainability practices that might be adaptable to public libraries. In phase-two, the investigator shared the TBL best practices of these five companies with four library directors and one director| s designee (a deputy director) from five leading U.S. public libraries as previously designated by Library Journal. One-to-one interviews elicited the library leaders | comments on the companies practices and their relevance to public libraries, and the TBL sustainability practices currently employed in their libraries. The study identified 12 best practices of successful companies, which public library leaders may wish to employ as they embark on their own sustainability journey.