註釋The book in Persian verse was written by Saikh Shirazi 1291 AD, its English translation was rendered by Arthur N Wollaston in 1906 and Urdu translation by Mukhtar Ali. All the three versions are presented in this book with introduction by Artur N Wollaston for English version, and Muqadama by Mohammad Abdul Ahad Khan Khalil for Urdu version. The book used to be taught to children at an early age and its lessons would remain inscribed in their young minds which would help to form their future character based on good deeds. Shaikh Sadi belonged to Shiraz Iran, he travelled various regions of the world for 30 long years and came in contact with common people, shared their joys and sorrows, was kidnapped by Christian crusaders and engaged on digging trenches. He attended the courts of the kings also and gathered something from evey where and wrote about his experiences in his masterpiece poetry and prose in Gulistan and Bostan, besides this Kareema and other works during the later years of his life. It is bound to make interesting reading for all classes of people, will serve as a guidance for living a pious life filled with wisdom.