Reality According to the Scriptures

What is the nature of reality according to the Scriptures? What is the nature and purpose of God’s creation, and of humanity within creation? Did our role change after evil entered the world in Genesis 3, or is it fundamentally the same as at creation? What is “the meaning of life” according to the Scriptures, and how can such a vision be lived out and conveyed meaningfully in our generation? These are the sorts of questions this book is beginning to address, the first fruits of more than twelve years of research at the intersection of philosophy and biblical studies.

Reality According to the Scriptures is written by a Christian disciple for Christian disciples: a call for the church to get our Story straight, to find ourselves in the narrative-world of the Bible, and then do our best to play our part well.


This is one of the best-researched works I have ever read. José Soto did a great job of compiling all this data to create a masterpiece. Each chapter builds up from the previous one, giving the narrative a smooth flow and making it easier to understand. Soto includes well-researched references and organizes everything beautifully. Apart from its amazing format and structure, it also has a life-changing message. Everyone has their views on reality and the purpose of existence. Reality According to the Scriptures presents us with a message about the part we are to play in this world. The message of redemption is that of love, hope, and purpose. What we emit into the world will reflect who we are, and if we do the will of God, we present Him to the world through our work. He lives in all of us, and no matter how far you think you have gone astray, He is always there for each one of us. This is the first volume in the series by Soto and I can't wait to read more of his work.

—Luwi Nyakansaila, reviewed for Readers' Favorite

Reality According to the Scriptures: Initial Reflections by José Soto explores the concept of reality as it is presented in the scriptures. ... Soto argues that the biblical understanding of reality emphasizes the interconnectedness of all things and that the relationships between God, humans, and the natural world are all integral to the overall fabric of reality. Another important theme is the idea that reality is both material and spiritual. Reality According to the Scriptures suggests that the scriptures present a holistic view of reality that includes both physical and spiritual dimensions and that these dimensions are inseparable. While the narrative style is thought-provoking, it also challenges us to think deeply about the nature of reality and the scriptures' role in shaping our understanding of it. I like how the narrative is shaped to be simple yet profound at the same time. You don't have to be a Christian to understand this book. Theology students will benefit from this straightforward narrative that packs a punch of knowledge. I highly recommend it.

—Rabia Tanveer, reviewed for Readers' Favorite