Nursing Homes
Some Improvement Seen in Understatement of Serious Deficiencies, But Implications for the Longer-Term Trend are Unclear
出版DIANE Publishing, 2010-10
主題Health & Fitness / General
註釋States survey nursing homes annually under contract with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Serv. (CMS). To evaluate state surveyors' performance, CMS conducts fed. comparative surveys in which fed. surveyors independently resurvey a home recently inspected by state surveyors and compare and contrast the deficiencies identified during the two surveys. Fed. surveys can find two types of understatement: (1) missed deficiencies; or (2) deficiencies cited at too low a level. This report discusses the problem that a substantial proportion of federal comparative surveys conducted from FY 2002 through 2007 identified missed deficiencies that either had the potential to or did result in harm, death, or serious injury to nursing home residents. Tables.