Traditions of the Rabbis from the Era of the New Testament, Vol. 2A
註釋The second volume of early rabbinic traditions and their relevance to the New Testament

In this second volume of his monumental study of early rabbinic traditions and their relevance to the New Testament, David Instone-Brewer provides significant insights into Jewish thought and practice prior to the destruction of the Second Temple in 70 c.e.

For each rabbinic tradition considered -- here, the Feasts and Sabbaths -- the supporting Hebrew source text is provided side by side with an English translation. Instone-Brewer also presents evidence that exists for accurately dating these sources, which is a critical task recently advanced by modern dating techniques. He goes on to thoroughly discuss the meaning and importance of each rabbinic tradition for Second Temple Judaism, also analyzing any echoes or direct appearances of the tradition in the New Testament writings.