Miscellanea storica di Guastalla
註釋A collection of documents in three volumes, mostly written in Latin but with some in Italian, all in paper except for v. 3, f. 36-41. Almost all originals or contemporary copies. The dates on the documents range from 1492 to 1561, with one document copied in 1725. Most documents notarized, some with seals or the remnants of seals. Much of the content highlights the great controversy among the Torelli (also spelled Taurelli) family about the rights to the town of Guastalla and its sale to Ferrante Gonzaga. Many of the documents outline the main feud between Count Paolo Torelli, who wished to keep Guastalla, and Count Marcantonio Torelli, who wished for Countess Lodovica Torelli to sell it. Volume 1 contains descriptions of the property in Guastalla for Renato Trivulzio in 1492 (f. 1r-19v); examination of witnesses in the lawsuit of Marcantonio (Marcus Antonius) Torelli against Paolo Torelli and his mother, Damigella di Giovanni Trivulzio, dated 1525 (f. 20r-56v); deposition on behalf of Paolo Torelli and his mother concerning the will of his father, Francesco Torelli, dated 1521 (f. 60r-63v); testimony on behalf of Marcantonio Torelli, in Mantua, dated 1525 (f. 67r-107v); summary of the case dated 1531 (f. 115r-380v). Volume 2 contains testimony on behalf of Marcantonio Torelli against Paolo Torelli, dated 1531 (f. 3r-237r); judgment by the ducal senator and doctor Alexander Amonius in Mantua in favor of Count Marcantonio Torelli, dated 1532 (f. 239r-241v); various copies of judgments based upon that of Alexander Amonius' for Marcantonio Torelli in Milan, dated 1515-1534, some notarized (f. 243r-250r); petition in Italian from Paolo Torelli to a delegate of the Papal state, undated (f. 266r-v); petition to Charles V concerning the purchase of Guastalla by Ferrante Gonzaga, undated (f. 268r-269v); petition to Charles V by Marcantonio Torelli, undated (f. 270r); submission and summary of the controversy to Charles V, undated (f. 272r). Volume 3 contains a sale of property at Guastalla by the Torelli family to Redulfo (or Rodolfo) Gonzaga, dated 1538 (f. 1r-15r); license for sale of Guastalla to Ferrante Gonzaga by Charles V, dated 1539, with seal, signed by R. Quadrius (f. 17r-v); copy of sales agreement of 1539 in Italian between Lodovica Torelli and Ferrante Gonzaga, copied in 1725 (f. 18r-34v); sales agreement between Marcantonio Torelli and Ferrante Gonzaga, dated 1546, on vellum (f. 36r-41v); further sales agreements in Italian before Giovanni Battista Landriani by various members of the Torelli family, dated 1561 (f. 42r-59r); statements favoring claims of Marcantonio Torelli by Nicolao Aliprandi, one with seal, undated but ca. 1531 (f. 61r- 86v); testimonies supporting Marcantonio Torelli by Carlo Malatesta, Geronimo de Medici, and others (f. 90r-192r). All volumes contain some marginal notes in Italian. Many notarized by Andreas de Bollati.