Norfolkes Furies, Or a View of Ketts Campe
Necessary for the Malecontents of Our Time, for Their Instruction, Or Terror; and Profitable for Euery Good Subiect, to Incourage Him Vpon the Vndoubted Hope of the Victorie, to Stand Faithfully to Maintayne His Prince and Countrey, His Wife and Children, Goods, and Inheritance. With a Table of the Maiors and Sheriffes of this Worshipfull City of Norwich, Euer Since the First Grant by Henry the Fourth: Together with the Bishops of that See, and Other Accidents There. Set Forth First in Latin by Alexander Neuil. Translated Into English, for the Vse of the Common People, by R.W. Minister at Frettenham in Norfolke, and a Citizen Borne, who Beheld Part of These Things with His Yong Eyes
出版William Stansby, 1615