註釋The Council on Foreign Relations' (CFR) 2010 Annual Report demonstrates CFR's role as a trusted, independent source for information and analysis on the policy challenges facing the United States and the world. There was no shortage of subjects to focus on this past year, and during a time of such political divisiveness in Washington, the nonpartisan mission of this institution was more important than ever. Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, concerns about Iran and North Korea, and a growing U.S. fiscal deficit were just a few of the issues at the forefront of debates in this country. CFR worked hard to address geopolitical and geoeconomic matters, in addition to other priorities including climate change, democracy and development, technology and innovation, global health, and women's advancement as they affect international relations.CFR continued to serve as the most comprehensive resource on U.S. foreign policy and global issues through meetings with senior U.S. and foreign government officials, academics, and business, nongovernmental, and religious leaders. Research and analysis from CFR experts, publications, including flagship magazine Foreign Affairs, outreach to targeted constituencies, and multimedia coverage on CFR.org and ForeignAffairs.com all contributed to this organization's position as a global thought leader.