A Disturbance of Fate
註釋A Disturbance of Fate is a vibrant work of alternative history that answers these questions and more. In the novel, as in life, the time in which RFK survives beyond 1968 is not a perfect journey leading to utopia. While various events occur that are both expected and welcome in trying to create a just and caring world, there are also surprises, ironies and dangerous developments along the way. Plus, the novel's ending is guaranteed to leave you thinking about the fluidity of history and the dictum ..".for the want of a nail a kingdom was lost..."--though whose kingdom is lost and whose is gained is perhaps the most intriguing question. As Bobby Kennedy himself liked to say, "Some men see things as they are and ask 'Why?' I dream things that never were, and say, 'Why not?'" A Disturbance of Fate dares to dream about an alternative past...and provide inspiration for a more enlightened present and future.