Three If by Drone
A Study of the U.S. Drone Strike Programs and Their Effectiveness as a Counterinsurgency Weapon
出版Midwestsern State University, 2016
註釋"Overall, I have shown that the substantial increase in U.S. drone strikes are contributing to an increase in the successfulness of terrorist attacks, the number of those killed, wounded, and the immense increase in property damages where terrorists strike. At this time it remains relatively safe to conclude that where the U.S. assumes that its UAV strike programs are diminishing a global terror threat, they are merely increasing the support base from which the targeted insurgency recruits from and in turn escalating the likelihood that successful terrorist attacks on a global scale will emanate from regions where drone strikes have intensified over time such as Pakistan. Despite the U.S. military and CIA claims that drone strikes are effective at removing high value terror threats, there remains a great discrepancy. Targeted killings remove the individual, but do little in reducing overall insurgent mobilization associated with terror attacks in the region where drone strikes occur."--Page 102, Conclusion.