Why It Is So Difficult and What To Do About It (Enlarged Edition)
出版Lulu Press, Incorporated, 2014-02-03
主題Education / General
註釋History and organizational studies both demonstrate that changing one's mind is quite difficult, even in the face of overwhelming evidence that this change needs to occur. This monograph explains how smart, professional, and incredibly performance-oriented Army senior leaders develop frames of reference and then oftentimes cling to their outdated frames in the face of new information. It describes the influence of individual-level concepts--personality, cognitive dissonance reduction, the hardwiring of the brain, the imprints of early career events, and senior leader intuition--along with group level factors to explain how frames of reference are established, exercised, and rewarded. It concludes by offering recommendations to senior leaders on how to structure Army leader development systems to create leaders comfortable in changing their minds when the environment dictates.