A Geometrical Practise, Named Pantometria, Diuided Into Three Bookes, Longimetra, Planimetra, and Stereometria, Containing Rules Manifolde for Mensuration of All Lines, Superficies and Solides: with Sundry Straunge Conclusions Both by Instrument and Without, and Also by Perspectiue Glasses, to Set Forth the True Description Or Exact Plat of an Whole Region: Framed by Leonard Digges ... Lately Finished by Thomas Digges His Sonne. Who Hathe Also Thereunto Adioyned a Mathematicall Treatise of the Five Regulare Platonicall Bodies, and Their Metamorphosis Or Transformation Into Five Other Equilater Vniforme Solides Geometricall, Etc. B.L.