Halfway There

“Halfway There: Lessons at Midlife is a collection of stories that are meant to help readers make sense of their own lives - whether they're at the midpoint or not.”

From an early age, Elizabeth C. Haynes faced hardships: abuse and trauma, tumultuous relationships, frustrating career shifts, and—when she reached her mid-thirties—chronic illness. As she approached middle age and began to examine her life’s many ups and downs, she discovered that while the circumstances are individual, the emotions they carry are collective. 

In Halfway There: Lessons at Midlife, Elizabeth shares some of her most personal stories (and the lessons she’s learned) to help readers feel more empowered to embrace their own journeys. She writes with poignance, care, and a dash of humor about the many challenges humans face, such as: adversity and loss, frustrating career shifts, lack of purpose, childhood trauma, the pressure to fit in, conflicting beliefs, and chronic health issues. Her hope is for readers to come away with a better understanding of what it means to be human and how to grow older with grace. 

From Midwest Book Review: “Halfway There: Lessons at Midlife is more than one woman's struggle to reconcile her life. It's a blueprint for how to revamp and revise perspective and objective for maximum results, and should be on the reading list of any self-help reader facing middle age."