註釋"Painter-poet Gaston Chaissac (1910-1964), who also produced countless drawings, skipped the phase of academic learning or self-teaching and quest for discovery in his artistic career. His first steps into fine art in Paris in 1936-7 resemble one of those chance constellations celebrated by the Surrealists. He arrived in the metropolis of Modern art as a day laborer and left it a few months later as its "master". It was Otto Freundlich who, having established his academy "Le Mur" in the backyard of the house in which Chaissac lived for a short period, accorded him this status. Born and raised in the countryside and uneducated, it appeared the 27-year-old nevertheless had a natural knack for what all artists in Paris sought: the contemporary universal formula for the image. As far as painting was concerned, Chaissac unwaveringly elaborated this colorful pictorial formula to make a firm statement in the following almost 30 years."