Catalogo dei libri duplicati della pubblica I. e R. Biblioteca Magliabechiana di Firenze che si offrono in vendita o in baratto
註釋Catalog of duplicates from the collections of the Biblioteca Magliabechiana in Florence, Italy being offered for sale or exchange. Catalog is divided into three main sections, with titles arranged alphabetically within each section: 15th-century imprints, including titles printed by the Aldine press; post 15th-century imprints; and titles available for 1.5 paoli or less. Note on verso of half-title indicates that prices are firm, payable in Florentine currency ("paoli fiorentini"), and non-refundable. Purchases can be made through the librarian, or through bookseller Luigi Molini, son of Giuseppe Molini, editor, bookseller, bibliophile, and former head of the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma. A note at end states that the Magliabechiana is seeking to purchase a complete 14-vol. set, in good condition, of Andreas Gallandi's Bibliotheca graeco-latina veterum patrum antiquorumque scriptorum ecclesiasticorum (Venice 1788), and asks that anyone owning a set contact the librarian or Giuseppe Molini.