Four Decades of Distance Education in India
註釋The evolution of distance education in India in forms of dual mode, single mode and consortia has been phenomenal. The system today is one of the largest distance education networks in the world comprising dual mode university distance education institutes, single mode open universities, dual mode secondary education, single mode open schools, distance education council/consortium, and many private and semi-government providers of education and training. The four generations of distance education have been implemented in a variety of forms and models, and the system exhibits adoption of innovative practices in course design, development, delivery, evaluation, media networking, and planning and management which have proved effective in addressing the issues of access and equity, economy, quality and reform in the country, and which have been adapted/emulated by a host of such systems in the developing world. It is, therefore, imperative at this stage to reflect on the developments of above four decades of distance education in this country, and map its future expansion. Each chapter in the volume reflects on the concerned theme covering the distance education system in the country, traces the limitations and adoption of innovative strategies to address the issues, and introspect on its future possibilities.