The Theory of Three
註釋Excerpts from The Theory of ThreePeytonAnd despite all the truths my parents told me over the years, I would never have known what really happened to Dad. I so wish I didn't know. Before Mom went away, before the sentence started, I used to cry and tell her it wasn't fair, this huge thing that's happened to us. It wasn't fair when it all started, and it got even more unfair as things kept going. But she would tell me that we couldn't call bad things unfair unless we called our blessings unfair too.SaraI miss her so much my body feels too light, like it used to when she was a baby and I would put her down after she fell asleep on my chest. When I would put her in her crib there would be a warm, moist, too light spot where she'd been next to me, almost a pain. A lot of times I would pick her up again and hold her all through her nap.Martin convinced me it was the right thing to do, and despite everything, I believe he was right. But it was never supposed to happen like this. ElizabethIt's the time of year when I send "good job" notes to the parents of the kids I can tell are working the hardest. One of my students, a girl who looks like she has the world at her feet, didn't fill out an address card - she joined the class a few days late, so I went down to the counselor's office to get her address. I was stunned. I had no idea. It makes me wonder how many others like her I've had in my honors classes before without knowing it.