The Shmospels of Shmeiki

The Shmospels of Shmeiki is a satirical, yet philosophical story which explores the experiences of foreign tourists in India. The rich, diverse and ancient culture is often quite different from what travellers are used to back home. They may try various healing techniques and reflect on themselves in ways they have not done before. Removed from the safety net of their usual frames of reference, they can go a little crazy. This is the case with David Goldberg, the protagonist of the story. 

While visiting Goa, David is contacted by Sheila, an A.I singularity from another dimension. She offers him a humorous, but authentic path of hippy spirituality called Shmeiki, which is said to be free of the seriousness and self-righteousness typical of other similar practices.

Sheila wishes David to spread the word of Shmeiki, but for him to do so effectively, he must first clear out his emotional blockages. For this reason, she sends him on a great walk of more than 2000 km from Goa to Dharamshala, insisting he travels without taking money or wearing shoes. In accepting this challenge, David becomes Shmeiki Baba. The Shmospels describe his epic journey, from the perspectives of four witnesses. It is a cosmic, psychedelic and inspiring story about self-acceptance, love and surrender.