The Sacred Tree
註釋PrologueIn Indo-European antiquity, much of the religious and cultural imaginary of all these peoples saw in the symbol of the tree and its fruit the arcane of knowledge, starting from the Sycamore Tree in Egypt associated with the Goddess Isis, wife and mother of the pharaoh always ready to offer the hidden knowledge of things, giving the pharaoh the sap of knowledge to drink, even the Acacia Tree revered throughout the Mediterranean world for being a symbol central resistance, even with theAbsence of rain the Acacia grows. The Ark of the Covenant or Ark of the Covenant chest that served to house the tables of the law was built in Acacia wood.The Tree also evokes the image of the savior, Jesus the Christ, who was crucified in lumber in the shape of the letter T as described in the Epistle of Bernabes, written at the beginning of the 2nd century, it describes the cross (σταυρὸς) as similar to the letter T: "it had to have grace in the figure of T". And he says that Moses made "a figure of the cross and of the one who was to suffer on it" (τύπον σταυροῦ καὶ τοῦ μέλλοντος πάσχειν) by extending his arms to save the people from defeat (cf. Exodus 17: 8-13). In the Work of Justin the Martyr (AD 100-165) the cross is described (τὸν σταυρόν) as composed of a wood in vertical position embedded by another horizontal, while another stands out in the middle, in which the crucified sit, the Christ and his cross become an emblem of the paschal rabbit to which the Messiah He had to submit: to be roasted, he was arranged in the shape of the cross. This was erected in the fields with crossed timbers as symbols of victory over the enemy, allegory of the victory of the Greco-Latin world associated with victory in war, but in this case, that of the Christ, represents the spiritual victory of man.Trees occupy a prominent place both in the Bible and in the Koran, both ancient religions share trees in their respective sacred books such as date palm, olive and tamarisk. Acacia also used its wood in North Africa for being a sacred tree for its permanence. There are in the religious literature of the Indo-European world Infernal trees such as the zaqqmo Tree of Hell Tree belonging to the Islamic world (As-Saffat, 37:65, Ad-Dukhn, 44:49, Al-Waqi'a, 56:51): "Is it not better received than the zaqqm tree? We have made this tree a scourge for the unjust. It grows in the depths of Hell, bearing fruits like the heads of demons: with it they will feed and fill their bellies, along with gulps of boiling water. Then they will return to Hell. Also the Tree of Yours possibly a dark wood conifer mentioned only in Revelation 18:12 .The Apple tree that for much of the Greco-Latin world represented the achievement of immortality was introduced to Europe by the Romans and Greeks from the Middle East, its main symbolism is that of the mystical fruit remembering that God prohibited man from eating the forbidden fruit of the apple tree in the Eden's garden. Greek hero Heracles, como parte de sus Doce Trabajos, estaba obligado a viajar al Jardín de las Hespérides y recoger las manzanas de gold from the tree of life at its center.