In a coastal town in southern England during the 1970s, young Gary navigates the chaotic seas of adolescence with humour and delicious naivety. At home, he experiences a unique blend of love and dysfunction, anchored by his quirky mother and deeply cherished father. However, school is an entirely different beast. (Un)affectionately known as “Knollditz,” Gary’s new school exposes him to a world of relentless bullying, abuse and trauma, pushing him to the edge of reason. Years of terror and violence leave deep scars, colouring his life as a young man. But amidst the bruises and taunts, he still manages to discover the thrills of first love and a surprising inner strength.
From his unpredictable family life to the haunting corridors of his school, Gary’s journey is one of transformation. It takes him from a painful youth to adulthood, where he can make a difference and become an agent of change.
The Hate Game is about laughter, love, and never giving up. This coming-of-age memoir will have you rooting for Gary, laughing with him, crying with him, and feeling inspired by his indomitable spirit.
What the readers say:
L.E. Clarke for Readers’ Favorite: “The cruelty of some of the students, and the lack of control by the staff took my breath away. Before you even start reading, it states that you will laugh and cry with Gary, and I did. His story shocked and amused me, and I wanted to sit and explain life, feelings, and behavior to help him. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, especially his mum’s driving habits. It was also a trip down memory lane for this Baby Boomer.”
Maalin Ogaja's Review: “In The Hate Game, Trew describes his experiences in a vivid and captivating manner. I enjoyed this book immensely, largely due to Trew’s excellent narrative of a very traumatic period in his life. His masterful balance of comedy and heartbreak kept me engaged to the last page.”