The Strategy Engagement. Part 1
Kris Safarova
Learn the Skills Used by the Leading Management Consulting Firms, Such As Mckinsey, BCG Et Al
Firmsconsulting LLC
, 2021-01-15
Business & Economics / General
Education / General
The goal of this book is to help you think like a strategy partner and, more important, develop insights like a strategy partner.Almost every management or strategy book is written after the fact. They are written years or months after the situation described. They are written after the authors have had time to sift through their extensive work and piece together a cohesive story. Hindsight is twenty-twenty.Those types of books are valuable because they eliminate the noise; the authors sift out the dead ends they encountered, and the wasteful tasks and unproductive administrative nightmares they had to endure to, for example, obtain a key piece of data.You will not see the numerous iterations before the authors arrived at their final framework. You will not know the piece of data, off-hand comment, article or client quote that sparked the evolution of the second, third, fourth and final iteration of the framework.You will not see how the hypotheses evolve as vital information and clues are unearthed in conversations with the client, from analyses and team discussions.You will not observe the choppy nature of how an insight develops. You will not see how an early version of an insight is discussed, dismissed, and sometimes forgotten until a key piece of new data makes it relevant again.You will not see the numerous discussions to tweak and adjust hypotheses, insights, and the final messaging to the client.Those books provide valuable lessons and observations. Yet the experience is what shapes a leader.This book is different and attempts to give you that experience. To see the messy steps involved. It was written in real time. The notes were written hours before an event happened or hours afterward, usually on the same day.