To Wound the Autumnal City

to wound
the autumnal city:
a dyingdays.com 9-11 anthology.

to those who fell. . .
and those who are still falling.

There is a solace in writing. September 11, 2001 was a defining moment in American history. I never could have anticipated the outpouring of raw emotion in written form that I began to receive in my email inbox not long after the tragedy occurred. The dyingdays.com community has been a refuge for those who think too much since its inception in August of 2000. Never before has this community reacted with such unity and passion.

This book is not a scholarly analysis of the tragedy, its causes, or its effects. This project is a documentation of a distinct moment in our lives, a revelation of the emotional atmosphere of this uncertain time. The authors are real people; their experiences reflect those of countless others. They come from around the world, students and doctors, soldiers and preachers, young and old. Some of us lost loved ones on that awful day; all of us lost something on that day.

"to wound the autumnal city" features the authors and members of the resurrender.net community, with special guest entries from authors including Walker Stanhope, Carl Rafala, Dean Hybl, Dehanna Bailee, Lawrance George Lux, and Dr. Gene Ladnier.

This book is a moment in our history.
We must never forget.

--Paul Hughes
editor, dyingdays.com

All proceeds from sales of this anthology will be donated to the American Red Cross.