So I'm a Double Threat
註釋In this fun-filled, fast-moving young adult novel, sassy fourteen-year-old Megan Miller, and her close-knit friends, begin their four year high school journey. Expectations and hopes are high for their Freshman year. Meggie wants nothing more than to experience all high school has to offer - growing freedom, hot boys, parties, make-out sessions, and did I mention hot boys? Enter Alex Aguilar. At seventeen, he is Carver High's sports superstar and dreamy superstud. Yet, despite the hype, Alex is undeniably sweet, and Meggie is beyond smitten. But, of course, he is a SENIOR. So, ought to be completely off limits for a ninth grader, right? Age doesn't always dictate whom you will love, though. So I'm A Double Threat is the start of their journey. Will young love survive the challenges presented them or is friendship all they can only really hope for? Backs will be stabbed, hearts will be broken, tears will be shed. But, despite this, Meggie's strong-willed determination, loyalty, and zest for fun, will ensure the ride is a memorable one. (This book has mature content intended for older young adult audiences.)