Ombre di confine
l'emigrazione clandestina degli ebrei stranieri dalla Riviera dei Fiori verso la Costa Azzurra (1938-1940)
出版Alzani, 2001
主題History / Modern / 20th Century / Holocaust
註釋Describes the fate of Jewish refugees in the Italian province of Imperia (Riviera dei Fiori) who emigrated to the French Riviera (Côte d'Azur) between 1938-40. In addition to the thousands of foreign Jews already living in Italy, many more arrived in the country from 1933, and especially from 1938 on, mainly from Germany, Austria, Poland, and Czechoslovakia, as a result of the exacerbation of antisemitism and the outbreak of the war in 1939. In September 1938, the Italian regime enacted a decree ordering foreign Jews living in Italy from 1919 and after to leave the country within six months. Thousands of these Jews immigrated to the French Riviera, because of its proximity and because of the lax border control on the French side. They settled mainly in Nice and surrounding villages. They were assisted by Jewish French and Italian aid organizations, such as Comasebit and Delasem, and also by Christian organizations. At the beginning of the war, many German Jews were interned in camps because they were considered Germans. In 1942, the Vichy regime, collaborating with the Nazis, initiated waves of arrests of Jews, especially in Nice. Their belongings were expropriated, they were confined to little villages, and then interned in French camps and, finally, delivered to the Germans. Most of the refugees perished in the extermination camps.