Judenbilder in der deutschen Literatur
eine Inhaltsanalyse völkisch-national-konservativer und nationalsozialistischer Romane 1890-1945
出版Hartung-Gorre, 1999
註釋After discussing the various genres of nationalist-"völkisch" fiction, selects novels with antisemitic content and surveys the stereotypes transmitted by them: above all, the Jew as usurer who brings ruin on honest German peasants; Jewish domination of the economy, the press, and cultural life; and the insatiable sexual lust of Jews for German girls and women. Less often, the novels thematize the Jewish temptress, the Jewish coward and traitor, the repulsive Ostjude, the Jewish capitalist as well as the Jewish communist, and the Jewish world conspiracy. The Jew is portrayed as always recognizable by his speech and his physical traits. The German protagonists understand antisemitism as an inborn, healthy instinct and long for the chance to carry out pogroms and to rid Germany of the Jewish pest. Points out, however, that antisemitic themes in novels are rare before 1918, even during the height of the Wilhelmine antisemitic wave, and that even in novels of the Nazi period they are usually of secondary importance.