Phonetic Analysis of the Cockney Dialect in the TV Series EastEnders
註釋The graduation thesis presents the dialectal features of Cockney in the series EastEnders. The theoretical part includes the definitions of the following concepts: language variety, dialect levelling, accent, dialect. This is followed by a brief presentation of the historical background and social perception of Cockney. The last and most extended segment of the theoretical part presents the linguistic features of Cockney, with emphasis on the phonological characteristics and the comparison of its phonological features with those of Received Pronunciation and Estuary English. The empirical part consists of the phonetic transcription of two chosen episodes of EastEnders, accounted for through auditory analysis. As in spoken conversation, especially in rapid speech, the neighbouring phonemes of words affect each other's articulation, consideration is given to most common accommodation processes that appear in connected speech: assimilation, elision, epenthesis, and liaison. The aim of the graduation thesis is to analyse the phonetic features of Cockney in EastEnders. Moreover, the examination indicates how frequently a certain Cockney feature is used by each speaker and in what way its occurrence varies depending on the age, gender, and education of the characters in the series. The results of the statistical analysis are given for each phoneme separately.