
An edited collection of papers published by YoungMinds and funded by Health Education England.

With 1 in 3 adult mental health conditions related directly to adverse childhood experiences, it is vital that we understand the impact that adversity and trauma can have on the mental health and wellbeing of young people, and how we can strengthen resilience and support recovery.

Addressing Adversity presents evidence, insight, direction and case studies for commissioners, providers and practitioners in order to stimulate further growth in adversity and trauma-informed care, and spark innovation and good practice across England.

Section 1: Understanding adversity, trauma and resilience includes evidence and analysis of the impact that adverse childhood experiences and trauma have on children and young people’s mental health and wider outcomes across the lifecourse.

Section 2: Addressing childhood adversity and trauma includes insights from the NHS in England, organisations and clinicians working with children and young people who have experienced forms of adversity and trauma.

Section 3: Emerging good practice includes insight, case studies and working examples of adversity and trauma-informed service models being developed across England.

The collection ends with an agenda for change, calling on all Directors of Public Health, commissioners and providers to make adversity and trauma-informed care a priority in their locality.