I Am Museum. Ediz. a Colori
Italo Rota
Elisabetta Farioli
Francesca Grassi
Forma Edizioni
, 2022
Photography / Individual Photographers / General
According to Italo Rota, ?Museums are gradually changing to form a composition made up of several aspects: memory, research, science, industry, art and humanism, connected and made possible through the personal participation and intervention of individual people to bear witness to the freedom and responsibility that the future invites us to consider every day, both as individuals and as a community?. The opportunity to investigate these subjects is represented by this exemplary, internationally recognised case history: Italo Rota?s project for the new Musei Civici in Reggio Emilia: a complex, sophisticated project involving one of the most ancient museums in Italy in a city that today, has assumed a new role in contemporary society.00A museum that is proposed as an archive of the commons, beginning with the physical aspect of the testimonies to continue with an even critical re-examination of local history. As well as the texts by the project curator the book also includes articles by conservators and researchers, part of the teamwork that also involved museum directors and collection curators, in a constant dialogue between exhibition concepts, scientific requirements, and requests for participation.00The description of this unusual project is rich in images of great visual impact, an elaborate montage of archive photos, images by master photographers from the city collection, and commissioned news reports on the completed projects.00This is not simply a museum catalogue but acts as the entrance to the museum itself.