Annotated Bibliography on Population Dynamics, Behavior and Distribution of Fish, Marine Mammals, Commercial Invertebrates and Algae (covering Publications of 1956). (Annotirovannyi Ukazatelʹopublkovannykh V 1956 Godu Rabot Po Probleme "Zakonomernosti Dinamiki Chislennosti, Povedeniya i Raspredeleniya Ryb, Morskikh Mlekopitayushchikh, Promyslovikh Bespozvonochnykh i Vodoroslei V Svyazi S Usloviyami Ikh Sushchestovovaniya") [By] N.S. Romanov. Initiated by E.N. Pavlovskii and G.V. Nikolʹskii. E.N. Pavovskii, Chief Editor. Translated from Russian [by] B. Shenkman. Edited by IPST Staff].