Cudham Church – A History of the Church of St Peter and St Paul, Cudham

 The exact date when a church came into existence at Cudham

is not known, but there is a record of a payment of 7d for

oil in the year AD 953, indicating that Cudham had a priest and

a font, and in a Saxon script reference is made to a church in

AD 982.

St Peter and St Paul, Cudham, is designated Grade II* in the

listing of Buildings of Special Architectural or Historic Interest,

described as an “Excellent multi-phase medieval church, which

underwent considerable restoration in the 1890’s.”

The author draws on papers that have come to light over

her 20 year tenancy of the ancient post of Churchwarden to

write this first comprehensive history and guide to the church.

Where it helps to explain something, or put

it into context, she has included additional

reference information.

The papers hint at events in Cudham church’s

long history, though they can barely scratch

the surface of all that has happened to and in

it since the local Christians built the original

one. This book goes some way to bring this

history to life.