The Life and Acts of Matthew Parker, the First Archbishop of Canterbury in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth
Under Whose Primacy and Influence the Reformation of Religion was Happily Effected; and the Church of England Restored, and Established Upon the Principles Whereon it Stands to this Day. Wherein are Related the Said Archbishop's Actions in Ecclesiastical Commissions, and Synods; His Visitations of the Dioceses, Colleges and Hospitals Within His Province, with His Injunctions and Regulations: Characters and Accounts of Bishops by Him Consecrated: His Endeavours for Uniformity: His Diligence in Retrieving, and Publishing Many Saxon, and Other Ancient Historical MSS. of this Nation: His Procuring a More Correct Translation of the Holy Bible: His Government of His Own Dioces of Canterbury: His Sober Thoughts, Counsels and Cares for Religion and this Church: and Many Particulars of the Ecclesiastical History of Those Times, Hitherto Unknown, Or Very Obscure, are Discovered and Brought to Light. Compiled Faithfully from Records, Registers, State-papers, Orders of Council, Authentic Letters, and Sundry Other Original MSS. In Four Books. To which is Added, an Appendix, Containing Various Transcripts of Records, Letters, Instruments, Ordinances, Commissions, Discourses, Relations, Intelligences, and Other Secret Papers, Above an Hundred in Number; for the Asserting Or Illustrating the Foregoing History. Among which Will be Found the Latin Life of this Archbp. Entituled, Matthaeus, So Much and So Long Wanted in the Editions of the British Antiquities
出版John Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard., 1711