The Turin Shroud
Quantum Physics, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Radiography, Radionics, Palingenesis, Kirlian Photography, and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
出版Covenant Books, Inc., 2024-10-10
主題Religion / Christian Ministry / Evangelism

Despite the efforts of many to discover its origin, the Shroud of Turin remains a mystery. It is the most studied artifact in the history of scientific inquiry, and after 150 thousand hours of international scientific investigation by researchers of varying disciplines, the silence is deafening. There is no credible conclusion!

For anyone with "eyes to see and ears to hear" the Shroud of Turin is the inexplicable and unreproducible imprint of Jesus Christ's miraculous death and Resurrection. Unexplained by science, it speaks of a supernatural reality and an otherworldly dimension. It whispers that our place in heaven might truly be secure, if only we would believe!