註釋Given that abortion is a complex issue and that the Committee's remit is to examine scientific and technological issues, the Committee explicitly ruled out looking at ethical or moral aspects of abortion in the published terms of reference for their inquiry. Therefore, this report focuses on scientific and medical developments relating to the law on abortion, particularly developments since 1990, when evidence of improved outcomes for very premature neonates led to a reappraisal of the threshold of foetal viability and the reduction of the then 28 week limit on most abortions to the current 24 week limit. The report considers the key issues that have emerged and, where it is felt appropriate and justified, the Committee draws conclusions about what the science and medical evidence currently before us indicates. However, because it is recognised that science and medical evidence is only one of many factors that are taken into account when legislating on this issue, the Committee does not make any recommendations as to how MPs should vote on abortion law. A minority report, written by two Committee members, is included as formal minutes to the report.