Somebody's Dad

 Sharon Bartell knows how to photograph people, even people like successful but camera-phobic fund manager Brett Stockton, who needs an updated portrait for his company’s annual report hates having his photo taken. Within minutes, Sharon has him at ease, laughing and shedding his self-consciousness. She’s so poised, so calm and focused—and so attractive. On an impulse, he asks her to accompany him to a fundraising dinner he’s hosting, and on an impulse she says yes...as long as she’s able to hire a babysitter. 

A babysitter? Brett hates children. He had to raise his younger siblings when he was just a child himself, and he never wants to deal with children again. He’s always been honest with women about this, and the reason he’s still single is that most of the women he meets want to become mothers. 

Sharon is already a mother. Widowed while pregnant, she has raised two-year-old Max alone. She devotes herself to her son while also running her photography studio—and also competing for a commission to do the photographs for her town’s 300th birthday celebration. 

A power player in town, Brett happens to know one of the birthday celebration committee members. He could get the commission for Sharon. But he wants more than her gratitude. He wants her. Without her son. But they’re a package deal, and perhaps with the help of the Daddy School, he can learn to love Max.