Confronted by Destiny
A Guide to Helping You Face off with Your Prayers Confidently
出版WestBow Press, 2015-06-19
主題Religion / Christian Life / Spiritual Growth

Confronted By Destiny is a book for those that want to go all the way in God. Those of us that seek to live the abundant life Christ made available through His finished work must confront ungodly mindsets that oppose the manifestation from being actualized. This book gives one the ability to encounter trials and tribulations with an eternal perspective, while remaining unhindered by temporal circumstances. We have all asked and prayed for things that are far beyond what we can fathom actually happening, and God loves to answer in a fashion that doesnt always fit our paradigm. Gods ways will always exceed our greatest expectations. Confronted By Destiny will inspire people to face their fears and continue to believe in the midst of adversity.

This book is for anybody who desires to have all that God has to offer. It is for those that have longed to give up all their familiar comforts, to be comforted by the true Comforter, the Holy Spirit.